By chance, we located this fantastic free train museum in the town of Milton, Florida! The West Florida Railroad Museum looks small from the outside, but it has much to offer. We figured we would stop in and take a look around, but ended up spending almost an hour at the museum. You’ll find train cars you can walk through, information about the historic railroad and post office that used to be in Milton, and an amazing model train display.

The museum has plenty of parking, with a lot across the street for oversize vehicles. If you’re traveling west on I-10, it’s just a quick detour off the highway to visit the museum. They are only open on Fridays and Saturdays, so plan the drive accordingly! Once inside, you can stop by the information desk and make a donation if you wish.

The next room holds a plethora of antiques and information about the railroad in Milton. This includes several old postal scales – even one you can weigh yourself on – old telephones, a switchboard, large model trains, and more.

After checking on all the antiques, you can then walk through a caboose car, and old dining car, and a kitchen car. Once you’ve walked through the cars, it’s time to head outside and check out their model train in the garden.
The Garden

This was by far the most impressive part of this little museum. Outside in the garden they have built a very large model train display, including a model of the old town of Milton. There are a few trains running around the track. If you have little ones with you, they can also hop aboard a slightly larger train that loops around the models! Even my 10 year old was small enough to ride. After browsing the garden, there is also a very impressive display of the town and railroad with miniatures inside.

So, if you’re in the North Florida area off I-10 near Milton, this is a stop worth your while. This free train museum in Florida has something for the whole family. For more to do in the area, visit our page on nearby Pensacola and Pensacola Beach.
West Florida Railroad Museum – 5003 Henry St. Milton, FL