During the heat of May, my daughters and I braved a hot trip outdoors with some friends. We took a day trip to Mims, along the east coast off of I-95. There are a couple of attractions in the area, that are ONLY available in the spring (April/May), so we jumped on the opportunity to try something different! We visited the sunflower maze and we went blueberry picking.

The first spot we hit was Sled’s U Pick Sunflower Maze. While I little pricier than I would have liked ($5 a person), the maze was indeed beautiful and great for photography. It would be a great learning opportunity about bees and pollination as well.

The maze takes about 30 min to an hour, and the location is no frills, so bring your own snacks, water, and sunscreen!

The second spot we check out was EverAfter Farms Blueberry picking (only about 5-10 min away).

This place was so cute! It has a tractor ride and a petting farm, as well as TONS of blueberries you can pick yourself!

The best part is they let you eat all the blueberries you can while picking, AND the blueberries themselves are only $5 a pound! A pound is a ton of blueberries, much more than you get in a tiny container at the store.

We really enjoyed this place and plan to come again next year! Please feel free to click the links to find the farms websites, and below are the addresses for the locations 🙂
Sled’s U Pick Sunflower Maze, Burkholm Road and Dixie Way, Mims, Fl
EverAfter Farms, 4400 Bouganvilla Drive, Mims, Fl 32754
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1bVrAo88WplbwZ_k1UYNfUqcPaAI4ZPMX&w=640&h=480]